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2 stars compared to the NY average of 4.14 and a National average of 3.33. 2 stars compared to the NY average of 2.59 and a National average of 3.15. 1 stars compared to the NY average of 4.19 and a National average of 3.62. 2 stars compared to the NY average of 2.53 and a National average of 3.14. 1 stars compared to the NY average of 2.81 and a National average of 2.77.
Nursing homes vary in the quality of care and services they provide to their residents. The below quality ratings for Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville are calculated from three sources - health inspection results, staffing data, and quality measure data. This information gives you an indication of the care Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville give to their patients. According to Medicare, this facility maintains an overall rating of one out of five stars, including one out of five stars concerning health inspections, three out of five stars for staffing issues and one out of five stars for quality measures. Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville received an overall rating from CMS of 1 stars compared to the NY average of 3.33 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below.
Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Center at Williamsville has 142 beds making this nursing home smaller than the New York state average of 186. The average number of beds per nursing home inErie Countyis 160. Additionally, the 118 residents at Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Center at Williamsville are fewer than than the average state nursing homes population of 168, and is less full at 83% than the 91% occupied average New York nursing home. At the county level, Erie Countyaverages 146 residents per nursing home, for an average 91% occupation rate.

Our team of dedicated abuse prevention lawyers has worked on cases exactly like yours and can help your family, too. Call us now so we can begin working on your Erie County nursing home neglect case today. Time is of the essence; all necessary paperwork must be filed in the proper New York county courthouse before the statute of limitations expires. Do you suspect that your loved one has been victimized by nursing home neglect at the hands of caregivers in charge of providing the best care? Are you concerned that their facility-acquired bedsore or an injury from the fall could have been prevented had the staff followed the established standards of protocol?
Skilled Nursing Facilities: Your Definitive Guide for 2022
Nursing homes provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis. According to our analysis, Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Ctr at Williamsville is ranked #43 out of 45 skilled nursing homes within a 25 mile radius. See detailed information from recent inspection reports, nursing hours analysis, surverys, and information on owners and operators. Click here to view the ranked list of nursing homes near Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Ctr at Williamsville. These inspections assess whether the nursing home meets certain "minimum" standards.

In between 1-star and 5-star, the remaining homes are divided equally into three tranches which correspond with the stars 2 to 4. The staff ratings and quality measure ratings follow a similar process but the divisions are based on a national ranking. The division between star ratings is called the “cut-rate”.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Nursing Center at Williamsville
Nursing Home Compare allows consumers to compare information about nursing homes. It contains quality of care and staffing information for all 15,000 plus Medicare- and Medicaid-participating nursing homes. Find a detailed description of Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville a Skilled Nursing Home in Williamsville, New York on here. This will help you preview the nursing home prior to scheduling an appointment for visitation at Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville . Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville offers many types of specialized nursing care which include senior care solutions like, personalized nursing home needs tailored to your specific needs. These quality measures were selected because they are important.
Find definitions for common senior living terms, get answers to your questions about different types of care and communities, and learn how Seniorly is compensated for our free-for-you services. Resident and Family Council- Resident and family councils can help communications with staff. Federal law requires nursing homes to allow councils to be set up by residents and families. The nurses aides were abusive, smart mouthed, and sassy with no empathy for the patient whatsoever. They think nothing of leaving you on a bedpan for an hour, denying you a glass of water, or delivering meals that were cold, tasteless, or didn’t arrive at all.
2 Agencies that are Medicare Certified are able to participate in Medicare related programs. The staff from reception , nursing , maintenance and administration are so patient and helpful . The maintenance guy is a southern gentleman the held the door for me to bring my mother in the receptionist greater me with a smile and the aid came to get my mother was familiar with her and was happy to see and assist us . Came in not unable to walk and 2 in a half months I was walking and being discharged excellent staff and friendly people and a excellent rehab facility.
Cut-rates are redefined periodically and are published by CMS. Each nursing home that provides services to people with Medicare or Medicaid is required to make the results of its last full inspection available at the nursing home for the public to review. If an inspection team finds that a nursing home doesn't meet a specific standard, it issues a deficiency citation. The federal government may impose penalties on nursing homes for serious deficiencies or for deficiencies that the nursing home fails to correct for a long period of time. For example, Medicare may assess a fine, deny payment to the nursing home, assign a temporary manager, or install a state monitor.
However, nothing beats actually visiting the nursing home yourself when possible. The last time this data was collected they cared for at least 40 men and 94 women in a one year period that received Medicare benefits. The average length of stay at Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville is approximately 23.2 days. This nursing home data was updated by using the dataset publicized on Dec 7th, 2022 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services .

They have 142 beds and a daily average of 136.5 residents . Comprehensive Rehab & Nursing Ctr At Williamsville participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Limited Liability company ownership. The rating system allows people to easily compare facilities across numerous dimensions with the express purpose of identifying the best and best performing nursing homes.
If you found out anything that is incorrect and want to change it, please follow this Update Data guide. Discover helpful tips on advocating for aging parents living in assisted living. Seniorly recommends staying in close touch with both parents and staff. Discover the best ways for a family caregiver to use a checklist for senior care. Seniorly can help explain what a checklist is used for and why to use it.
We will keep adding to these pages as we continue to analyze the nursing home database. Some of the data is not very recent, but we have decided to include it here so that you have as much information as possible. Add a star to the Adjusted Rating if the Quality Measure Rating is 5-stars.
Owner and Operator Information for Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Ctr at Williamsville
The rating system was initially developed in 2008 and the methodologies are regularly reviewed and updated. Information on Nursing Home Compare isn't an endorsement or advertisement for any nursing home and should be considered carefully. Use it with other information you gather about nursing homes facilities. Talk to your doctor or other health care provider about the information on Nursing Home Compare. Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services regularly gathers feedback information from patients to build up The Five Star Quality Rating System which more or less reflects the quality of services being offerred by the nursing home providers.

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